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No One Left Behind Work Streams

'No-One Left Behind Employability Funding' helps people of all ages to gain skills and confidence. It is there to help people prepare for employment, training, education and/or volunteering.

Work Stream Information

There are six No One Left Behind Workstreams - Service Design, Governance and Risk, Shared Measurement Framework, Policy and Finance, Alignment and Integration and Communications

Service Design

This workstream uses the Scottish Approach to Service Design to co-produce a national framework which establishes an all age employability system that is person centred, more joined up, flexible and responsive to individual needs.

A Lived Experience Panel of users from No One Left Behind priority groups, work alongside Scottish Government colleagues to co-design products for those accessing employment support.

The workstream is also developing a set of service standards, which will involve engagement with partners, stakeholders and users.

Governance and Risk

Aims to create an appropriate approach to governance providing collective leadership ensuring a robust framework for decision-making and risk management.

This will be achieved by aligning existing governance structures for No One Left Behind and Young Persons Guarantee and building on existing governance approaches amongst delivery partners.

Shared Measurement Framework

Aims to establish a shared measurement approach and set out the collective view of what we need to know about employability services, focusing on what is working for people.

This is being achieved by working with partners to create key questions. These questions cover 5 themes, Reach, Progression, Skills, Experience and Value of Services.

Next steps include working with current delivery services to map out existing data under the key questions and identify any gaps that may exist.

Policy and Finance

Are developing a strategic financial approach that reflects an overall national coherence and balances this with appropriate levels of local and regional flexibility, evidenced by the needs of individuals and local/regional geographies.

Joint Task and Finish groups have been created with the Young Persons Guarantee to undertake a consistent approach to funding, products and messaging. With SLAED members and practitioners, Scottish Government are also reviewing current delivery of PESF/Boost and areas of improvement.

Alignment and Integration

Aims to align public policy and practice to improve outcomes and value from public expenditure.

The workstream is co-chaired between Scottish Government and Local Government and aims to work collaboratively with partners to integrate employability services with Health, Justice, Housing and Advice Services, to support a person-centred approach and deliver more holistic, efficient and cost effective services.


This workstream will effectively communicate with partners and service users adopting an inclusive, collaborative and flexible approach.

Once developed the communication strategy will inform interested parties on employability activities. Progress will be regularly updated for partners, using a multi-channel approach.

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