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Partnership Action for Continuing Employment (PACE) is the Scottish Government's initiative for responding to redundancy situations.

Through providing skills development and employability support, PACE aims to minimise the time individuals affected by redundancy are out of work.

About the PACE initiative

Skills Development Scotland (SDS) leads on the delivery of PACE on behalf of the Scottish Government in conjunction with a number of other partner organisations including the Department for Work and Pensions and local authorities. In addition to the National PACE Team, there are 18 local PACE Teams across Scotland to facilitate a speedy and effective response.

PACE logo

PACE offers free and impartial advice and is available to all individuals affected by redundancy, no matter the size of the business nor how many employees are involved. PACE also works with insolvency practitioners to provide support where a business has gone into administration or liquidation.

PACE support is tailored to meet individual needs and local circumstances and includes: one to one counselling; information on rights and entitlements, benefits entitlement and tax calculation; help with job search; CV writing, application forms and covering letters; preparation for interviews; identifying learning and training opportunities; starting up a business; making the most of your money; and coping with redundancy related stress.

The first stage in providing PACE support is delivery of the PACE Introduction to Redundancy Support Presentation which provides an overview of support available through PACE. Individuals are then able to select from the various interventions to choose which further support they require. This support can be delivered face to face in an employer’s premises, in local community venues including Skills Development Scotland Career Centres, and online through our web service and webinars.

In addition, PACE support is available through the PACE Helpline 0800 917 8000 and online at

Find out more

Call the national helpline on 0800 917 8000 or visit My World of Work for advice on the full range of PACE services.

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