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Scotland's Devolved Employment Services: Statistical Summary published

26 July 2023

The latest statistics were published on 26 July 2023 and demonstrate the continued impact of devolved employability provision in Scotland in supporting people of all ages who want help and support on their journey towards and into work.

  • There has been 97,233 starts on either Fair Start Scotland (FSS) or No One Left Behind since April 2018 up to March 2023. In the most recent quarter, there were 8,220 starts, the largest number in a single quarter. Please note that No One Left Behind and Fair Start Scotland (FSS) are different approaches to employability support. These numbers refer to starts as FSS participants have been able to re-join since April 2021 and can be counted more than once. No One Left Behind participants are only counted once regardless if they disengage for long periods. No One Left Behind was first started in April 2019 so numbers are included in the totals from this point onward. See publication for full details on differences between these approaches.
  • Experimental statistics for No One Left Behind show a total of 39,632 people started receiving support from April 2019 to March 2023.
  • Of the 39,632 people receiving support on No One Left Behind, 12,690 (32%) have entered employment, while a further 5,477 (14%) entered further or higher education or training.
  • There were 57,601 starts on Fair Start Scotland (FSS) from its launch in April 2018 up to March 2023, including 4,495 re-joins which has been possible since April 2021.
  • There has been a total of 20,013 job starts since FSS launched.

The full publication can be found at the link below.

Scotland's Devolved Employment Services: Statistical Summary July 2023 - (

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