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Business Support

Find the business support you need, including help and advice for those affected by the coronavirus pandemic.


Find Business Support

Find Business Support gives customers an overview of all funding and services offered by public sector organisations across Scotland. This makes it quicker and easier for businesses to find the information, advice and support they need, when they need it.

Information is available for businesses of all sizes – from brand-new start-ups to large, well-established companies.

You can find out more by clicking on the following link: Browse Services - Find Business Support.

You can browse through the support, services and events that are available to businesses across Scotland including funding, consultancy and training. You can search by topic, type of support and sector. You will be able to access a range of materials including self-help guides on Human Resources, Pre-employment checks, redundancy support and Employer Recruitment Incentives.

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How Fair Start Scotland can support your business

  • Provides a single point of contact that will take the time to understand your business and recruitment needs providing support throughout the process.
  • Delivers a free full recruitment service which includes advertising, pre-screening, recommending applicants for interview and co-ordinating interview schedules/inductions/training days.
  • Highlights any potential funding that you may be eligible for to support employees.
  • Provides up to 12 months in-work support; offering a tailored package of support for the you and your new employee; aiding with job retention, reducing time and cost on recruitment.
  • Provide the opportunity for businesses to demonstrate social responsibility by showcasing commitment to a diverse workforce.

Find out more about Fair Start Scotland

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