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Refugee & Asylum Seeker Awareness and Right to Work Event

With the different crisis events that are happening globally, an increased number of refugees and asylum seekers have been dispersed to the different Local Authorities across Scotland. These individuals do have the right to access No One Left Behind funded employability support.

Although there are many examples of employability projects supporting this group of individuals, you may have questions on eligibility and restrictions. For example, do you know the difference between a refugee, asylum seeker and a migrant? How can employability advisors know if someone has the right to work?

Organised and hosted by the Improvement Service in partnership with the SLAED People Group and Scottish Refugee Council, this informative session will run from 3.00 – 4.30pm and will focus on:

  • Understanding the different terminology that is used
  • What rights and entitlements people have
  • How to check someone’s right to work
  • Explore challenges that people face when they seek employment in the UK
  • What you can do as an employability advisor to support them in the recruitment process

The event is open to Local Employability Partnerships (LEPs) and all employability delivery partners, and is particularly aimed at front line staff. There will also be a question and answer session and the opportunity to request additional support for your LEP and delivery partners on a local or regional basis.

The session will be recorded for onward sharing to colleagues unable to attend. Details on how to join can be found here: Joined Up for Jobs. Contact Susie Donkin to find out more.


2nd August 2023, 15:00 - 16:30

Microsoft Teams

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